The 6:30 group in action |
This week I've decided to post a few workouts for the readers of the blog. They're a few of sessions I've done with my classes in the past few weeks. Just make sure you use good form. It helps to have someone watch you and be honest instead of giving an "atta boy" or "it's all you". I've also included a video of the 7:30 class doing this past Wednesday's circuit.
9/28/2011 - 7:30 level 3
Mobility prep and Naked TGU practice
TGU with snatch weight bell 5 mins
2 hand swing and plank.
30 seconds of each for 3 sets. Each set is 3 minutes long.
Alternating swings (transfers) and TRX Suspension Trainer side plank 30 seconds of each.
Do 30 seconds of swings followed by a suspended side plank on 1 side. Then 30 seconds of swings followed by a suspended side plank on the other side. Do 4 sets
Circuit - Flow drill
Kettlebell - 1 hand swing, 1 clean & press, 1 front squat and an uppercut (figure 8 to a hold) to switch sides
Suspension Trainer - 1 chest press, 1 chest flye, 1 bus driver. Watch the video to see the bus driver.
9/28/2011 - 6:30 level 2
Mobility prep and Naked TGU practice
TGU with snatch weight 5 minutes
2 hand swing and TRX Suspension Trainer chest press (3 foot positions)
3 sets of 15
For the chest press your first set is done with a neutral stance. Your second set is done with your feet together. Your last set is done from a staggered stance with you stepping back so you're lower to the ground. You'll be able to go lower and build up to a much lower chest press.
1 hand swings and TRX Suspension Trainer Pistol Squats
2 sets of 20 swings (10 each hand), 2 sets of 10 pistols (5 each leg)
10 minutes working on kettlebell cleans using facing the wall drills to tame the arc and dead stop swings to ensure proper set up each rep.
Circuit - AMRAP
12 minutes of
3 cleans (R,L)
5 front squats (R,L)
7 TRX Suspension Trainer rows
Again take these workouts and use them yourself. Feel free to share them with others (just direct them here to get it hahaha). Make modifications if necessary. Use a lighter bell if you have too. If your form breaks down STOP THE EXERCISE.
Pharaoh out!!