Sunday, July 22, 2012

My 40th Year!!!!

I cant believe what a year this has been. I started this blog exactly 1 year ago on my birthday. It started off with a picture of my mother and I way back on my 25th birthday. I didn't know what the year had in store for me. Looking back, it was one of the most amazing years of my life. 

So many new experiences, places traveled, new people met, challenges faced and goals achieved. My 40th year began with me completing 10,000 kettlebell swings. It was just the beginning. Less than 30 days later I traveled to San Diego to participate in the Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor Certification (RKC). I met amazing people, was inspired by them and was inspirational to them.

Still this was just the beginning of my year. Here's a list of my experiences

July 22, 2011 - 40th birthday, 10,000 swings
August 2011 - IDEA World Fitness Convention in L.A.  Attended the RKC August 18-20. Got stuck in Hawaii  August 21- September 4th (harsh life I know)
September 2011 - Combine 360 Certification in Sarasota Florida
October 2011 - attended the CK-FMS in St. Paul Minnesota
November 2011 - attended the Ageless Body Workshop & RKC 2 prep workshop
December 2011 - began training for RKC 2 in April 2012, with a program designed by Mark Snow
February 2012 - attended the Essentials of Elite Performance Workshop. Trained with Mark Snow in Omaha. Switched to the RKC 2 in Italy. Attended the TRX Rip Trainer Certification in NYC
March 2012 - attended the Easy Strength Seminar in Reno Nevada. Attended the TRX Level 2 Certification in NYC 
April 2012 - attended the MovNat 1 day workshop in NYC
May 2012 - Trained with Mark Snow in Omaha. Attended the Kettlebell Athletics Certification in NYC
June 2012 - attended the RKC 2 in Vicenta Italy. Attended the Marketing Mastermind Seminar in San Diego. 
July 2012 - joined the BNI Dream Team. Attended the Maximum Impact Barbell Seminar in San Jose on my 41st birthday.

While writing these experiences, I'm overcome with a variety of emotions and feelings. I'm thankful for every single person that has been a part of this eventful year.  I'm looking forward to new challenges,new goals and meeting new friends in my 41st year! Happy Birthday to me!


  1. So that means you still have 5 months left in 2012 to write, "visited Melody in LA."


    (and many more)

    May every year bring you more Awesome.


  2. Dont forget that 2012 was the year of meeting me "the famous Swede"

    Happy BIRTHDAY my friend =)
