Monday, November 12, 2012

Music Monday's - Guest Playlist from Tom Foley of 510 Kettlebell Zen

It's Monday and that means another training playlist from a fitness professional. This week it's RKC/SFG Tom Foley of 510 Kettlebell Zen. Tom is also a good friend and fellow member of the OGKC (Old Guys Kettlebell Coalition). Here's his bio

BIO: Thomas "*Billy Ho" Foley  spreading the kettlebell love as in the 510 (Oakland, Oaktown, Oaksterdam, The Town)

Appreciation for physical culture & music have always been an underlying theme throughout my whole life. I think it all started with 70′s classic “Rocky.” Soon thereafter my brother & I were pressing our Sear’s cement/plastic-covered weight set for our own “strongman,” contests. Other than that, all the activity a kid could ask for was found right outside our front door; pick-up baseball, football, tag, bicycling, swimming,  running were the order of everyday. PE classes in elementary school were a reality. Climbing ropes to the ceiling, chin-ups, pull-ups, wrestling, flag-football, kickball, dodgeball and monkey bars were the norm. Nautilus, Universal,  free weights, & yoga all followed. It wasn’t until my early 40′s that I discovered the kettlebell. Little did I realize at the time how much of an impact this “cannonball with a handle,” would have. Two years thereafter, September 11, I became certified to become an instructor of Russian Kettlebells (RKC).  My goal in 2013 to to attain Level II status with Pavel's new group StrongFirst! I teach 10 small group kettlebell classes per week in Oakland CA at SOL Performance and ProAction Athletics. Connect with me on Twitter @510kettlebeller

Here is my Dirty Bakers' Dozen

1). Rock on Hanuman - MC Yogi  - Need to ease the folks into the session. 
2) Voodoo Chile - Jimi Hendrix - Set a PR with my bottoms-up press listening to this...15min of shredding guitar work
3) Overpowered by Funk - The Clash - Rapper Futura 2000 shines
4) Leave Home - The Chemical Brothers - I have three sons and this is one of their favorites...'the brothers gonna work it out.."
5) God's Son - NAS - time to get down and dirty with some double front squats & clean & presses!!
6) Love Bites - Judas Priest - a nod to my heavy metal daze \m/
7) King of Rock - Run DMC - Devastating Mic Control extraordinaire
8) Low Self Opinion - Rollins Band - raw power from a man who loves to move iron
9) Wake Up - RATM - "Flip" like Wilson with my kettlebell cues
10) California Love - Tupac Shakur - from Oakland to Sactown, the Bay area & back down, Cali is where we put the mack down!
11) Hold it now, Hit it - The Beastie Boys - white boys CAN jump (see *Billy Ho)...and rap!
12) Sexmachine - James Brown - "Get-up, get on up!"

13) C.R.E.A.M - Wu-Tang Clan - need I say more?! "dolla, dolla bills y'all" $$GETMONEY$$
My dude! Thanks for the playlist and thanks for the #GETMONEY shout out. Be sure to check him out on Facebook at 510 Kettlebell Zen.
Pharaoh out! 

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